08 agosto 2003


(or why in Shiva's name did'nt I go to sleep earlier
or of how sleeping and resting are separate issues and I need the later)

always in such a fuckin hurry,
always busy with something
and words come out wrong
and they say all what i don't want to say
and i read/hear/sense all sorts of stupid things coming out of your stupid fingers/mouth/being

fuck you fuck you fuck you

cuz you don't ever get desperate

fuck you

cuz you're never ever going to be what i want you to be

because you'll never feel this heat,

this fuckin heat in your veins

you'll never ever know what is like to live this furious freakin way so fuckin dead so fuckin burnin with fuckin life
you'll never meet me in the hours of panic the hours of tears the hours of laugh the fuckin stupid hours in which

all that i am is the world

and i become a whole a hole a whore
i become


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